A Growing, All-Age, Christ-Centered Community
We are a parish that wants to be defined by following and being like Jesus. We believe Jesus is as He is revealed in the Bible, the true and only Son of God yet also truly and fully human. He lived among us and understands us, voluntarily died on the cross in our place, rose from the dead and ascended to heaven from where He will return in triumph at the end of time.
Being like Jesus means living according to the truth revealed in the Bible, being open to the life transforming work of the Holy Spirit and being faithful to the teaching of Jesus’ church of which we are one small part.
There’s a lot to understand about being a follower of Jesus in the 21st century, much more than we can sum up here but here are some of the things that really matter to us as a church.
Worship is at the heart of what we do as church. We love to gather to praise our amazing God who loves us so much, deepen our relationship with him and learn and grow together as a community. We believe that meeting Jesus in our service equips us to follow him 24/7! We call that daily following ‘discipleship’, living out our faith in everything we do.
We believe that Jesus was full of grace and truth and that we as church need to be like that too. Grace means welcoming everyone whoever they are and whatever their life is like because God loves everyone and wants a relationship with everyone. Truth means that we want everyone to have a life transforming encounter with Jesus who teaches us how we are meant to live and wants us to grow in goodness and holiness.
We believe that the best thing that we can offer anyone is the good news of Jesus and his love for us and we want everyone to get to know him because is nothing in the world that is better than following him! We also want to serve our community and bless as many people as possible to show the love of God in action. We want to be a church that talks about Jesus and shows Jesus love by serving others in practical ways.
We sometimes describe ourselves as ‘Evangelical’, which is a way of summing up these ideas. If you want to find out more about what that means then go here. Our patron (who appoints our vicar) and offer us advice and support is CPAS.