The Trinity Parish Blackpool

A Growing, All-Age, Christ-Centered Community

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission is to be a Growing, All-Age, Christ-Centred Community:

  1. Growing upwards towards God through renewed worship and Bible teaching.
  2. Growing together as a united congregation based on caring growth groups.
  3. Growing outwards into our local community and beyond, sharing the love of Christ through evangelism and service.

To become an All Age Christ centered community, we seek to be a community of ‘Jesus Shaped People’ by following Jesus’ command to ‘follow me’.

We regularly review what his means by looking at Jesus’ priorities in his ministry. People, Teaching, Team Building, Prayer and Prophecy.

Vision 2026

As a Diocese we are working together for our 'Vision 2026: Healthy Churches Transforming Communities'.

Our Diocese, originally part of the Manchester Diocese, was created in 1926. So for nearly nine decades prayer and worship has been offered throughout the region, not only on Sundays but every day. Throughout this time we have tried to tell and show the people of Lancashire that God loves them, not just now but for ever.

This continues now and in the future as we work to live out our new vision under the mission statement 'Healthy Churches Transforming Communities' and with the key aims of making disciples of, being witnesses to and growing leaders for Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. (Source Blackburn Diocese website)

Click here for a summary of Vision 2026.